Here you can find detailed, captioned photos of many different types of chimney repairs that we have completed over the years.
All chimney relines require a permit and inspection be done by the local building department.
Here we see a chimney with severe lean, which could be an indicator of severe structural issues.
This chimney was built too short & smoke would come back into the house. An exhaust fan was installed, but it leaked & rusted the firebox floors.
This multi-flue chimney exploded due to an improper liner installation. The hazardous creosote was not removed prior to the installation of the undersized liner.
This chimney was stuck by lightning, causing severe damage.
Here we are replacing a factory built chimney system (also called a pre-fab fireplace system) which has sustained sever water damage.
This is the start of a fireplace in a new construction home. In this case, as mason was hired to build the structure of the fireplace and chimney, and started with the foundation for a fireplace.
This fireplace had damaged bricks on the back wall that needed to be replaced. Here we have removed the damaged bricks.
Previous damaged top tile removed.